Config.EnableNotifications = false -- Do you want notifications when a player enters and exits the preconfigured greenzones (The Config.GreenZones)?
Config.GreenzonesCommand = 'setzone' -- The command to run in-game to start creating a temporary greenzone
Config.GreenzonesClearCommand = 'clearzone' -- The command to run in-game to clear an existing temporary greenzone
Config.GreenZones = { -- These are persistent greenzones that exist constantly, at all times - you can create as many as you want here
['hospital'] = {
coords = vec3(299.2270, -584.6892, 43.2608), -- The center-most location of the greenzone
radius = 100.0, -- The radius (how large or small) the greenzone is (note: this must include the .0 on the end of the number to work)
disablePlayerVehicleCollision = false, -- Do you want to disable players & their vehicles collisions between each other? (true if yes, false if no)
enableSpeedLimits = true, -- Do you want to enforce a speed limit in this zone? (true if yes, false if no)
setSpeedLimit = 30, -- The speed limit (in MPH) that will be enforced in this zone if enableSpeedLimits is true
removeWeapons = true, -- Do you want to remove weapons completely from players hands while in this zone? (true if yes, false if no)
disableFiring = true, -- Do you want to disable everyone from firing weapons/punching/etc in this zone? (true if yes, false if no)
setInvincible = true, -- Do you want everyone to be invincible in this zone? (true if yes, false if no)
displayTextUI = true, -- Do you want textUI to display on everyones screen while in this zone? (true if yes, false if no)
textToDisplay = 'Hospital Green Zone', -- The text to display on everyones screen if displayTextUI is true for this zone
backgroundColorTextUI = '#ff5a47', -- The color of the textUI background to display if displayTextUI is true for this zone
textColor = '#000000', -- The color of the text & icon itself on the textUI if displayTextUI is true for this zone
displayTextPosition = 'top-center', -- The position of the textUI if displayTextUI is true for this zone
displayTextIcon = 'hospital', -- The icon to be displayed on the TextUI in this zone if displayTextUI is true
blip = true, -- Do you want a blip to display on the map here? True for yes, false for no
blipType = 'radius', -- Type can be 'radius' or 'normal'
enableSprite = false, -- Do you want a sprite at the center of the radius blip? (If blipType = 'normal', this don't matter, it will display a sprite)
blipSprite = 621, -- Blip sprite ( (only used if enableSprite = true, otherwise can be ignored)
blipColor = 2, -- Blip color (
blipScale = 0.7, -- Blip size (0.01 to 1.0) (only used if enableSprite = true, otherwise can be ignored)
blipAlpha = 100, -- The transparency of the radius blip if blipType = 'radius', otherwise not used/can be ignored
blipName = 'Hospital Greenzone' -- Blip name on the map (if enableSprite = true, otherwise can be ignored)
['policestation'] = {
coords = vec3(432.7403, -982.1954, 30.7105),
radius = 100.0,
disablePlayerVehicleCollision = false,
enableSpeedLimits = true,
setSpeedLimit = 40,
removeWeapons = false,
disableFiring = true,
setInvincible = false,
displayTextUI = true,
textToDisplay = 'Police Green Zone',
backgroundColorTextUI = '#ff5a47',
textColor = '#000000',
displayTextPosition = 'top-center',
displayTextIcon = 'shield-halved',
blip = true,
blipType = 'radius',
enableSprite = false,
blipSprite = 621,
blipColor = 2,
blipScale = 0.7,
blipAlpha = 100,
blipName = 'LSPD Greenzone'
['examplelocation3'] = {
coords = vec3(-1243.6606, 1348.0383, 212.7915),
radius = 200.0,
disablePlayerVehicleCollision = false,
enableSpeedLimits = false,
setSpeedLimit = 40,
removeWeapons = true,
disableFiring = false,
setInvincible = true,
displayTextUI = true,
textToDisplay = 'Random Green Zone',
backgroundColorTextUI = '#ff5a47',
textColor = '#000000',
displayTextPosition = 'top-center',
displayTextIcon = 'box',
blip = true,
blipType = 'radius',
enableSprite = false,
blipSprite = 621,
blipColor = 2,
blipScale = 0.8,
blipAlpha = 100,
blipName = 'Another Greenzone'
-- Create more zones here by following the same format as above
Notifications = {
position = 'top', -- The position for all notifications
greenzoneTitle = 'Green Zone', -- Title when entering a greenzone
greenzoneIcon = 'border-all', -- The icon displayed on the notifications
greenzoneEnter = 'You have entered a greenzone and certain actions have been disabled', -- Description when entering a greenzone
greenzoneExit = 'You have exited a greenzone and all actions have been restored', -- Description when exiting a greenzone